#!/binb/ash # Set the password you want to use PASSWORD="boxuser" <<<<<<< Updated upstream DATABASE="/Users/stwhite/CODE/Boxes-App/boxes-api/data/boxes.db" ======= DATABASE="../data/boxes.db" >>>>>>> Stashed changes # Use htpasswd to create a bcrypt hash of the password HASHED_PASSWORD=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 "" "$PASSWORD" | tr -d ':\n') # Create the user in the SQLite database <<<<<<< Updated upstream sqlite3 $DATABASE "INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('boxuser', '$HASHED_PASSWORD','boxuser@r8z.us')" ======= sqlite3 $DATABASE "INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('boxuser', '$HASHED_PASSWORD','boxuser@r8z.us');" >>>>>>> Stashed changes