#!/bin/bash API_BASE_URL="http://localhost:8080/api/v1" # Adjusted to include /api/v1 USERNAME="boxuser" PASSWORD="boxuser" echo "Sending request to: $API_BASE_URL/login" echo "Username: $USERNAME" echo "Password: $PASSWORD" response=$(curl -vi -w "\n%{http_code}" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"username\":\"$USERNAME\", \"password\":\"$PASSWORD\"}" \ "$API_BASE_URL/login") http_status=$(echo "$response" | tail -n1) body=$(echo "$response" | sed '$d') echo "HTTP Status: $http_status" echo "Response body: $body" if [ "$http_status" -eq 200 ]; then TOKEN=$(echo "$body" | jq -r '.token // empty') if [ -n "$TOKEN" ]; then echo "Token obtained successfully:" echo "$TOKEN" else echo "Failed to extract token from response." fi else echo "Failed to obtain token. Server returned status $http_status" fi